
Tag Archives: winter detailing

Grey Land Cruiser in Snow

How To Keep Your Car Clean Before Spring

Getting your car ready for spring starts now while the weather isn’t watching. Preparing and protecting your car’s exterior with a paint sealant and interior surfaces with conditioners will lead to a better looking car and more fun come spring – something all car people can enjoy!

Silver Porsche in Snow

How To Prepare Your Car For Winter

It’s coming. That dreaded time of the year when we trade in flip-flops for snow boots and t-shirts for sweaters. Now, I’m not bringing this up because I want to put you in a funk thinking about winter for the rest of the day, but rather because while we all know how to ready ourselves for the winter, we don’t always do the same for our cars. So here I’ll outline a few steps you can take in the fall before winter rolls in to make sure you’re prepared.